Hollerithallee 17, 30419 - Hannover
Upgrade your Workflow

Manage. Monitor. Optimize.

Every feature of the Platform is meticulously designed for Machine Evolution

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Upgrade your Machine

AVA. Plug. Play.

Hear the heartbeat of the machine, without skipping a beat

We make it happen

Retrofit with AVA

1st week

Data Capture

2nd week

Optimization potential

4th week

Daily factory analysis

8th week

Join WatchMen Today

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Unlock the possibilities. Reach out to us today!



Pioneer plan

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
Availability Monitoring
Performance Analysis
Runtime Tracking


Advanced Analytics

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
Availability Monitoring
Performance Analysis
Runtime Tracking
Energy Monitoring
E-waste Detection
Historical Trend Analysis


AI peak performance

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
Availability Monitoring
Performance Analysis
Runtime Tracking
Energy Monitoring
E-waste Detection
Historical Trend Analysis
Product Counter
Automated Reports
Machine Comparison
AI Optimization Insights
WatchMen AI Platform

Check below detailed comparison:

Comparison Table
OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency)

Get real-time machine efficiency data on WatchMen Platform

Basic Machine Analytics

Availability monitoring, performance analysis and run-time visualization on real-time data

Advanced Machine Analytics

Energy consumption, E-Waste and Historic data analytics

God-Mode Machine Analytics

Product counter, Automated reports, Machine Comparison and AI Insights

Have a question or want more information? We are here to help!