Hollerithallee 17, 30419 - Hannover

Test ROI

ROI Calculator

Analyze the potential, calculate your savings

23 machines
16 hrs / day
6 days / week
products / hour
€ / product
€ / product
Estimated Downtime
hrs / year
An estimated 3% of total planned production time
Estimated Idletime
hrs / year
An estimated 10% of total planned production time
Lost profit
€ / year
An estimated 10% of total planned production time
into production hrs
A guaranteed 50% reduction in idle and downtime
€ / year
Assuming electricity costs at 0.11 €/kWh, machine consumption of 6 kWh/machine/hr, and operator costs of 30 EUR/hr
3+([machinecount] * 2500*12)/(([machinecount]*[dailyworkinghrs]*[weeklyworkingdays]*52*0.065)*(([production]*[profit])+150+(6*0.11)+30))
ROI in under
Machinery Type